Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 2

Today has been a good day. Very long tho. First day back to work after spring break. Good thing I love my job. Working with kids is very entertaining. Also very tiring. Thank goodness for happy pills.

So for anyone who is interested, I am probably going to post what I eat. And for anyone that doesn't care, well this is about my WW journey so what did you expect?

I had frozen waffles and a banana for breakfast. And anyone who knows me knows I like stuff like cold pizza or leftover cold chicken for breakfast. Tastes better that way, all that congealed grease.

Lunch was leftover mashed potatoes and pieces of ham. Love that stuff so it was worth the points. I did manage to stay away from cake and toasted marshmellows in the teacher's room. Oh, and my kids' candy (so far).

Dinner was shake & bake chicken. Very low on points. My sister in law got food poisoning from it. Only her tho. I feel bad. Sorry Kim!!

I had about 8 points leftover and I actually couldn't figure out what I wanted to eat. I mean the cake looked good and candy is always good but I wanted something healthier and more substantial. So I was able to have half a bagel with margarine and peanut butter. Hey, I have to make do with what I have. It takes a while to change over your lifestyle.

So that was my food day. Already have most of tomorrow planned. I have a long day ahead of me, but I will try to post again tomorrow.

Good Night!

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