Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 7

My first week is done! I have survived! Didn't die of starvation. I'm actually craving fruit instead of sweets. Although chocolate still whispers sweet nothings in my ear. But I am really good at playing hard to get, so I am winning so far.

Today was a nice day. C had his first real friend from school playdate. So cute to see two preschoolers running and hugging all excited about playing at the park. We walked there too so I got in a little exercise. Other than the park I really didn't get much accomplished. Surprise surprise. That's ok. There's alway tomorrow. So on to the food for the day.

Breakfast: pancakes and syrup
Lunch: Chicken nugs and a dinner roll
Dinner: Ham, rice and an egg roll
Snack: banana, strawberries with sugar, grapes with yogurt and a skinny cow ice cream so to come

I also had a small bite of chocolate. And I know I had a lot of food today, even some not so good for you stuff. But hey, I have the weekly points to use. A new week starts tomorrow so I might as well use them. Crazy to do it right before WI but oh well. At least I'm pigging out on mostly fruit lately. Looking forward to WI. So all in all I had a very good start to my new lifestyle. Change is hard. But it can also be a very good thing.

Good night

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