Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Day

This is my very first blog. I'm hoping to be able to write daily so I can keep motivated to lose weight. I decided a while ago to try weight watchers again. I finally had the money to be able to pay for it so I did. Figures it would be a holiday weekend. Just my luck.

Today was my first official day back on weight watchers. This is my 3rd time. I am hoping it will be my last. Lifestyle change, right? I would like to lose about 50 lbs. But first I am focusing on the little goals.

It went well today. I stayed within my daily points. Measured all my food and was even full after dinner with the family. But now is the hard part. I am getting hungry again and it is almost bed time. Worst time of night for me. I always want to snack. On junk. I feel like I have a kid's sweet tooth. I can never get enough. But I have to have self discipline. It is so hard. Especially when I am used to over indulging. But at least now I can eat all the fruit I want. Discovered how good they are with some low-fat vanilla yogurt. Almost as good as ice cream. Almost. So I'm feeling pretty good about today. Hopefully tomorrow will be just as good for me. Already have my meals planned and points added up. Now if I can only stay away from the Easter candy....

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