Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 6

Today was a good day. Work went by fast and the kids were as well behaved as a bunch of 5 & 6 yr olds can be. I work in a kindergarten room at the moment. Filling a position as a paraprofessional. I was hired last year as a breakfast/lunch/recess aid but I guess with the budget cuts the board wouldn't pay for a certified para. But I am grateful for the position and absolutely love working with the kids!

So with my day going fast, I didn't have much time to think about food or how hungry I was. Idle time is a huge problem. So I have been trying to fill some of my time with cleaning the house. Six people living in a 3 bedroom makes for much messiness! And I am so stressed from all the clutter and mess that I just want to eat more. So I clean. Not a bad thing, I guess. Not a fun thing either! If anyone knows anything about me, it's that I love to be lazy when I am home. I am not a lazy person. Always on the go between work, kids, school functions, governance council, cub scouts. (Did I forget anything?) But when I am home, I just want to relax. And eat and eat and eat....

Now I am home and am so very tired. House is done enough. Will do more tomorrow. But now I'm hungry again. Dinner just doesn't last long enough in my belly. And I'm out of fruit. So now I have to try to figure out what I can eat without going over my DP. Still haven't touched my WP tho. So I'm not too worried. On to what my food for the day was.

Breakfast: waffles and 1/2 a banana
Lunch: leftover shephard's pie ( no one else eats leftovers so I do, makes for good lunches at work)
Dinner: breaded pork chop with rice pilaf and green beans
Snack: don't know yet, but something good

So now you know a little more about me. More will come. Be forewarned tho. To know me is to love me!

Good Night!

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