Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 4

So it's Wednesday. Hump day. Halfway done. Feels like it should be Friday already. But that's the way it goes sometimes. The weather is making it harder to be in work tho. Want to be outdoors in all this Spring! My eating habits are still ok. Staying within my points range. Need to buy more fruit.

Breakfast: waffle & banana
Lunch: leftover cheese ravioli with margarine and olive oil
Dinner: shephard's pie
Snack: grapes

Not a whole lot of food going on. Need to go shopping so I can start making more lowfat dinners so I can have my much loved snacks. I feel like I am missing an old friend. Goodbye chocolate cake and brownies and ice cream and Easter candy and.....well you get the idea.

So the day ends. Well, soon anyway. Haven't had those grapes yet.

Good Night!

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