Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 5

I feel fat today. Well, fatter than usual. My stomach feels bloated and looks bigger to me. I've been real strict with my eating habits and haven't even used any weekly points, athough I might tonight. But then I think to myself "self, you already feel fat. Why eat and feel even worse?" Then I want to eat more. Sigh... the never ending internal conflict.

But tomorrow is a new day. I am looking forward to my weigh in day, which is Sunday. I weigh myself every morning. I know it's bad and you are not supposed to do that on WW but screw it! I work hard at not pigging out and I like immediate results. But I'm looking forward to WI because I want to have physical (well, virtual) proof that I'm shrinking. The upside to all this is that soon I will have to go shopping for new clothes. A girl can always use new clothes! So on to today's food.

Breakfast: waffles and banana
Lunch: leftover shephard's pie
Dinner: chinese steamed seafood platter w/sweet & sour sauce
Snack: grapes

I bought a new NinjaPro blender to make smoothies and I haven't yet made one I like. But it is awesome to make the kids their snocones! So I eat the same breakfast because I am not a big breakfast food person (unless someone else is cooking) and I like the mix of the waffles and banana together.

So I said before that I would start more blogging on my personal life. So here is a little about me. I am a wife of 15 years. We have been married for 9 years but we considered ourselves married for much longer. We have to beautiful boys. B is almost 8 and C is almost 5. I have a wonderful BFF that takes very good care of me (xoxoxoxo) and my husband's sister and her 2 year old son, T, lives with us.

That is all for tonight. I will give more insight into my life as I continue blogging. I forgot how theraputic writing can be.

Good Night!

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