Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week 2

So it is the start of week 2.  Not a bad day. Gorgeous weather. Kids played outside all morning. After lunch hubby took the kids fishing while I took pictures. That was a lot of fun. Actually got my first sunburn of the season. Very happy about that.

Going through something personal that is making me stress and want to eat. But I am overcoming the temptations. The zero points for fruit is what is saving me. Must have eaten half a container of grapes today alone. But it's better than candy.

Oh, I lost 3.8 pounds since Easter. Not bad for my first week. I am proud of the way I have been in control of my eating. Not an easy feat!

Breakfast: waffles and banana
Lunch: pasta w/pesto sauce
Dinner: steak, instant mashed potato, mexican corn
Snack: grapes, light yogurt, strawberries, skinny cow ice cream

The snacks are throughout the day. I don't want everyone thinking I eat all that at once. Although I probably can! I'm off to bed early tonight and I have a headache so I'm not writing much.

Good night!

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